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21 Most Useful Time Saving WordPress Shortcuts

Sometimes writing a blog post can be a long process. To help you save some time in writing your blog posts in WordPress, we have decided to share with you 21 most useful time saving WordPress shortcuts. If you know any more then feel free to suggest them in the comment and we will add it in the list.
  1. Bold: Alt+SHIFT+b
  2. Italics: Alt+SHIFT+i
  3. Link: Alt+SHIFT+a
  4. Blockquote: Alt+SHIFT+q
  5. Code: Alt+SHIFT+c
  6. Read More: Alt+SHIFT+t
  7. Unordered List (ul): Alt+SHIFT+u
  8. Ordered List (ol): Alt+SHIFT+o
  9. List Item (li): Alt+SHIFT+l
  10. Advanced Editor: Alt+SHIFT+v
  11. Publish the Post: Alt+SHIFT+p
  12. ins: Alt+SHIFT+s
  13. del: Alt+SHIFT+d
  14. Unquote/outdent: Alt+SHIFT+w
  15. Undo: Alt+SHIFT+u
  16. Redo: Alt+SHIFT+y
  17. Edit HTML: Alt+SHIFT+e
  18. Align Left: Alt+SHIFT+f
  19. Align Center: Alt+SHIFT+c
  20. Align Right: Alt+SHIFT+r
  21. Ctrl+[number] to get various header sizes on highlighted text.
Use them and you will save a lot of time when writing posts. Save this list to your delicious and share it with your friends.
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SEO Smart Links Premium | WP Plugin Pro Version

SEO Smart Links Premium is a WordPress plugin that improves the overall SEO strength of your blog by automatic interlinking your content as well as automatically convert keywords you define into (affiliate) links. Plus it can do much more.

SEO Smart Links is one of the most poplar SEO plugins for WordPress, used by casual bloggers, Internet marketers and professional SEO agencies. SEO Smart Links has been downloaded more than 300,000 times to date and you can read thousands of online reviews and recommendations for the free version of the plugin (including dozens of video reviews). In a recent comparison SEO Smart Links Premium has been selected as the best keyword affiliate link plugin.


SEO Smart Links provides you with many benefits including:

* Better navigation -- gives the user more paths to follow, which may also increase the pageviews

* SEO -- automatically interlinks your pages, passing page rank from one page to another helps your overall search engine rankings

* Affiliate marketing -- you can even use the plugin to create affiliate marketing links with advanced options like link cloaking

SEO Smart Links can automatically interlink your content to key pages deeper into the site improving both search engine rankings (by using relevant anchor text in the links) and search engine crawling of your site.

The plugin figures out what keyword phrases it can use to link to corresponding posts, pages, categories, tags (or any other taxonomy) and all happens automatically according to the options you set.

If you want more manual control you can also specify a custom keywords and every time select words or phrases appear on your page, SEO Smart Links will automatically convert them into text links to pages you want.

What is new?

SEO Smart Links Premium plugin comes loaded with new features.

1. Enhanced content parsing algorithm -- The content parsing algorithm is perfected, the plugin will rarely make mistakes anymore. The keywords and link recognition has been improved, as well as behavior in tricky HTML code. Also all reported bugs from the free version have been fixed.

2. Improved performance -- The new parsing algorithm is not only more versatile, it is also about 3 times faster then the one in free edition, making the plugin now much more suited for bigger sites.

3. Advanced automatic interlinking options -- SEO Smart Links is more powerful with new features like:

* Option to prevent cross-category linking (autolink to articles within the same category only)

* Option to parse only posts older than given number of days

* Post slug keywords can be matched now

* WordPress 3.0 custom taxonomies support

* Option to specify the minimum length in characters for keyword to be considered

* Disable WordPress texturization filter option

4. Advanced custom keywords options -- Perhaps biggest improvement has been made for custom keywords with new features like:

* Visual interface for custom keywords

* Option to enable automatic checking of plural form of the keyword (works for english only)

* Full support for redirection with affiliate link cloaking

* Keywords, URLs and optional redirection are now separated with ‘|’ allowing easy managing and import to Excel for example

* You can now specify multiple URLs per keyword(s) and the plugin will pick one at random

* Option to specify your own separator for custom keywords

5. Advanced control over number of created links -- The premium plugin has options for better control over the number of created links. You can now specify maximum number of links on page (original links + SEO Smart Links created) and the plugin will never exceed this limit.

6. Support for link redirection/link cloaking -- SEO Smart Links now lets you setup easy redirections or cloak your affiliate links. You can specify a base permalink for redirection (default /go/) and define the rest of the link for every keyword. For example the following setting:

lincoln coin, lincoln piece|| lincoln

would link any occurrence of “lincoln coin” or “lincoln piece” through redirection URL “/go/lincoln” to URL “”

7. UTF-8 support for sites in foreign languages -- SEO Smart Links is now UTF8 aware and will work with blogs in foreign language.

8. Override settings at post level -- With this new feature, you can optionally override global rules at post level.. You can disable processing of this post completely or forbid automatic links to it, you can override or add custom keywords for that post, and you can also specify additional keywords you want this post to be recognized for in automatic linking.

9. Link template customization -- Allows you to specify your own HTML/CSS code for all links made by SEO Smart Links so you can easily add description or layout, color, font-size, alignment, add tags…
10. Nofollow whitelist -- Allows you to specify a whitelist of domains that you do not want to add ‘nofollow’ attribute to (for example for your own sites).

11. Import/Export configuration and custom keywords -- Allows you to easily export your custom keyword configuration and import it on another blog. Also you can export the full configuration (including all options) and save it as a backup or use it on another blog.

12. Caching -- Feature of the Business version, and especially useful for larger sites, caching dramatically improves the performance of the website. The built-in caching module is smart and works well with popular WordPress caches like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache. more info

13. Statistics -- Also a feature of the Business version, this new screen gives you the full insight of the plugin activity. You can see how are your posts interlinked and how are your custom keywords used throughout the site. You will be able to see how many links use which keywords and leading to which URLs are generated; or in which posts is a specific keyword used; or what articles link to the certain destination. Provides separate detailed data per post title, keyword and target URL. more info

14. Free updates -- With purchase of any license you get the right for free updates.


Auto Tweet Script v2.4

Auto Tweet Script v2.4 2011

The Auto Tweet Script is a php script you can use to automatically send your messages to Twitter every day, while you're away from your computer. You can create an unlimited number of these automatic tweets and send them out on auto schedule. Through the message archive in the script admin panel, you will always have the full control over all sent Twitter messages and its status. The script comes including a Tinyurl feature to easily make your URLs short for posting it within your tweets and it supports special characters as well as non-latin characters. So sending tweets in another language than english is no problem for the script. With this easy to use script you can sit back and relax and give your Twitter followers great content, while you're away. NEW: Works with the new OAuth login process of Twitter.


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Tweet Attacks Pro

Twitter Marketing Software With Results Even Without Followers!

* Drive thousands of real human traffic a day even without followers
* Get results even without followers
* Build thousands of followers without worrying on API limits
* Send direct messages to your followers in a push of a button
* Post and schedule thousands of tweets without worrying on API limits
* Reply on thousands of users looking for your offers on autopilot
* The very first twitter marketing software that DOES NOT USE THE API
* With advance inteliggence to determine real people
* Use unlimited number of accounts
* NO Monthly Fees
* FREE updates for life
* The most complete and powerful Twitter Software Available

Sales PAGE

Price: $147

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Facebook Email Lookup 2.0

I finally got some time to upgrade the facebook email lookup bot that i had on here quite a while ago.

New version has the following features:


Full proxy support including proxy binding to accounts.

Example would be username:_password:_proxyip:_proxyport

or for a private proxy username:_password:_proxyuser:_proxypassword@proxy ip:_proxyport

(ignore the _ underscores its just so the smiley faces dont show on here)

It extracts:
Firstname,Lastname,Profile URL,Location(If public),Sex(If public)

I recommend keeping the delay between lookups atleast 6000 milliseconds.
If you go quicker it will start returning as no result for all searches.


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Add 1,000+ LinkedIn Connections In 3 Minutes

Add 1,000+ LinkedIn Connections In 3 Minutes hotfile rapidshare download taringa Add 1,000+ LinkedIn Connections In 3 Minutes rar zip full megaupload taringa torrent Add 1,000+ LinkedIn Connections In 3 Minutes download rapidshare mediafire taringa Add 1,000+ LinkedIn Connections In 3 Minutes ziddu torrent taringa rar zip Add 1,000+ LinkedIn Connections In 3 Minutes download full rip

This is a quick method for adding 1,000+ connections on LinkedIn with just a few minutes of "work". 

Those of you who do FB or other social media marketing might know about this already, but for those who don't, I hope you find it helpful.


1. Download the files listed at the bottom of the post
2. Sign in to LinkedIn
3. Go to this page:
4. Click on "choose file" and find the first file you downloaded in step 1
5. Click on "upload contacts file"
6. Click on "finish upload"
7. Click on the "Select all" checkbox
8. Wait for it to load, and then click on "Invite Selected Contacts"
9. Repeat steps 3-8 for the other files listed below

All of the LinkedIn users on this list are open networkers, meaning they are willing to connect with basically anyone if invited.

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